The Fears of Growing Your Online Courses

“If you just work on stuff that you like and you’re passionate about, you don’t have to have a master plan with how things will play out.” - Mark Zuckerberg
You’ve spent years honing your craft or creating your lesson plan that you feel is ready to be sold as an online course. So what is holding you back? Is it because you don't know where to start? Is it the fear of failure or non-acceptance? Is it not knowing how to get the money to get the project off of the ground?
You are not alone. As an entrepreneur, you're a risk taker. You are confident that you have something that others will find useful or beneficial. It’s now time to jump into the deep end of the pool with both feet, but you are still reaching for a floatation device before you take that leap of faith.
Take a look at the fears that most, if not all, entrepreneurs face before beginning their ventures. Let's take a look at some of the most common fears faced by those creating online courses.
Fear of Failure – Probably the most common fear you will find amongst entrepreneurs. Will my ideas succeed? Do I have something deliverable that people can use or will buy?
Fear of Working for Yourself – Are you ready for the ups and downs of working for yourself? This can be very daunting, one week you are up to your eyeballs in the new business, and the next week you could be sitting in a quiet office waiting for the phone to ring.
Fear of Running Out of Money – Can your passion earn you a living? Cash flow is the lifeblood of your business. Successful business owners always maintain a firm grasp on their cash flow, and are able to describe and predict their cash flow situation for the week, month, and year.
Fear of Sales – No one enjoys cold calling new prospects and being rejected. With minimal sales experience or lack of a professional sales force, this can seem like an overwhelming hill to climb.
Fear of What Others Will Think – Is my lesson plan up to snuff amongst my peers? Will others see it as preachy, or is lacking content? Realize and be confident the product you put forth is worth it.
Fear of the Unknown – Are the masses going to appreciate my product and buy it? Is there a possibility that I fail? What can I expect on a daily basis?
Beginning a new business or building an online course involves a tremendous amount of fear and risk. Manage those fears by putting a marketing plan in place to deliver your product or service to your target audience. Don’t let fear take away your focus of managing your business. We are here to partner up with you, to guide you in the right direction, and offer multi-faceted support.
On This Day – (1884) The cornerstone for the Statue of Liberty was laid on Bedloe's Island.