Simple, Elegant & Powerful
Customized access to our full feature set via mobile and tablet devices
Access the full feature set of our site via mobile devices such as phone and tablets. Each type of devices has its own customized interface, which can be accessed as a webapp

Use our built-in portal or integrate our login widget into your existing portal
You can use our built-in portal or integrate our login widget into your existing portal for remote sign-in. Most aspects of the portal can be customized, including the logo, title, color scheme, pictures, and portal areas. Publish your news, class catalog, and calendar to your portal with a single click. Allow users to self-enroll into your site or individual classes via the portal.

Support for instructor led, self-paced, and blended classes
Support for instructor-led, blended, and self-paced classes. Display current classes via a dropdown menu, with shortcuts to the gradebook. Highly configurable. Teach multiple sections of a class, and use our unique class sync feature to pushes changes from the master copy of a class to the others. Save classes into the library as templates for reuse. Support for co-teachers and time-based student deactivation. Enroll students via file import, the student roster, email, or enable self-enrollment via access codes.

Content authoring and navigation
Create rich, engaging lessons without any technical knowledge
Create rich, engaging lessons without any technical knowledge using our content authoring tools. Upload and embed any kind of media, including audio, video, powerpoints, office documents, and Google Docs. Reorder lessons and their sections using drag and drop. Page through sections in a lesson using simple built-in navigation. Display a table of contents in the navigation bar to indicate your current position. Track your last position in the lesson so you can instantly return later. Track lesson progress and time spent in each lesson for the dashboard and rich analytics.

Curricula and proficiencies
Create your own curricula
Create your own curricula using our curriculum builder. Share curricula using our resources library. Align content and assessments with proficiencies in a curriculum, then see a coverage analysis to see how well your class covers the curriculum. Track student progress on a proficiency basis and get a detailed view of how students are understanding the concepts.

Class catalog
Browse your classes by category using our graphical class catalog
Organize classes into a text-based or graphical catalog. Group classes by category, and order classes alphabetically or using drag and drop. Associate pictures and optional descriptions with each category. Publish the catalog to your portal for access by visitors. If e-commerce is enabled, sell classes directly from the catalog.

Make money by charging for your classes
Associate a class with a price, then allow students to browse classes in the class catalog and purchase them using our a credit card or Paypal. Track e-commerce activity in your administration dashboard. Our shopping cart supports multiple discount codes and multiple currencies, with, Paypal, or Stripe as the payment gateway.

Upload and display video, audio, PDF, office documents, and much more
Upload and embed any kind of multimedia, including audio, video, PDFs, powerpoint presentations, and office documents. We automatically detect what kind of resource it is and display it in the appropriate web-based viewer. You can enable/disable whether links to the resources are displayed for students, and all resources are secured so that only students in your class can access its resources, even if they try to share a URL with someone outside the class.

Analytics and reporting
Make sense of data using our analytics and reporting tools
Create reports and charts of interesting data such as assignment grades, lesson progress, proficiency coverage, missing work, student activity, course status, completion status and resource usage. This data is also available via our API for use by third-party reporting packages. Custom ad-hoc reporting is coming Fall 2014.

Seamless support for SCORM modules
We have seamless support for SCORM, which is the industry standard for reusable content modules. You can upload a SCORM module into your library and share it with others. You can embed a SCORM module into a lesson or assess students with a SCORM assignment. SCORM modules can be displayed within the lesson or launched in a separate window. We provide several navigation options, as well as an autoplay feature.

9 kinds of assessment
From quizzes to online debates
Our LMS offers ten different kinds of assessments - quizzes, freeform, offline, survey, debate, dropbox, team, discussion, and SCORM. Personalized assignments can be given to a specific set of students. Specify the maximum number of submissions and whether late submissions are allowed, with overrides on a per-student basis. Embed assignments directly into lessons or as standalone tasks. In-place grading for rapid turnaround. Personalize assignments for specific students in the class. Wide selection of grading and weighting options, including nested grading periods, categories, and extra credit assignments.

Quizzes and question banks
Randomized and timed quizzes, instant feedback, and more
Comprehensive support for quizzes and question banks. Seven types of question. Share question banks via the resource library. Create personalized quizzes by picking random questions from a question bank. Support for timed quizzes and instant feedback during a quiz. Associate optional feedback for different question responses. Grid, dropdown, and previous/next navigation, as well as a pause option for non-timed quizzes.

Fast, reliable gradebook with pop-up analytics, fills, undo, comment editor, full-window mode, and much more
Full-featured, high performance gradebook with pop-up analytics, fill, import, and full undo. Access the gradebook with one click from the class pop-up. Full-window mode. Configurable display options, including ordering of students and assignments. Display of grading period summaries as well as overall grade. Export grades via CSV file or API.

Track attendance electronically, with PDF attendance forms for convenience
Track class attendance electronically. Indicate whether a student is present, late, or absent, and include an optional note. Award points for attendance using the attendance assignment feature. Print a PDF attendance form to collect physical signatures. Export and summarize attendance data.

Grade assignments quickly and consistently
Our rubric builder allows you to create rubrics with custom criteria and ratings. You can then share them via our resources library. Assignments can be associated with a rubric, which can then be used to grade the assignment with a simple point-and-click interface. Students can see the rubric before and after it has been filled out by the teacher.

Resources library
Save and organize your resources for personal use or share them with your colleagues
Our library system allows you to upload, store, and share nine different kinds of resources, including certificates, class templates, rubrics, files, SCORM packages, and curricula. You can place a resource into your private library, the library shared by everyone at your school, a district library, or the community library. Resources are automatically organized by subject and type, and you can search for a resource by name, type, or other characteristic.

Collaboration tools
Built-in support for wikis, blogs, chat rooms, groups, and forums
Our LMS has built-in support for wikis, blogs, chat rooms, groups, and forums. These collaboration tools can be used privately in a class or within a group whose members span classes. Teachers can enable or disable these options on a per-class basis. Our chat room transcripts are persistent so you can reference a conversation at a later time.

Full-featured messaging with bidirectional integration with email and SMS
Messaging system includes bidirectional email integration, so you can receive messages via email and respond via email as well. Bidirectional SMS integration. Optional language translation of messages. Conversations are automatically threaded. Inbox summary indicates the class that the sender is in, when applicable. Subscriptions to forums are delivered via the message box with a link to the forum thread.

Create public or private groups for your school or individual classes
You can create public or private groups that are site-wide or only accessible within a specific class. Each group has its own activity feed, calendar, resources, and collaboration tools. Groups are useful for faculty, study groups, sports teams, and ad-hoc collaboration. If enabled, groups can be used by members outside of your school or district. Your groups are available at all times via the group pop-up.

Award certificates of completion automatically or manually
Create certificates using our certicate builder. Share certificates using our resources library. Associate a certificate with a PDF version that can be downloaded and printed. Automatically or manually award certificates of completion. Set expiration dates for certificates. Set prerequisite certificates for a class.